I promised I will be sharing my testimony to help bring hope to other women passing through fertility challenges.
It all started on the day I was passing out of the university, my friends and I had a party to celebrate our moments in school and I was one of the organizers.
After the party that day I suddenly started feeling sharp and unbearable pain in my abdomen, I thought it was the stress of putting the party together, the dancing and jumping and all that but the pain persisted and I landed in the hospital.
I went through series of tests and when the results came out, it stated endometriosis. It was the first time I heard the word endometriosis and I thought it was one of those medical names given to medical cases, I never knew it was a fertility problem.
I was given pain relief to manage the pains but it was not really helping me.
From that time till when I eventually got married in 2017, I carried on with the pain especially when it is around my menses. When I got married it all got worse when I started trying to conceive. It was like twice the pain when I started taking drugs to conceive.
Pregnancy was not forthcoming, then the pains, and then I became depressed and easily irritable. Months after months, nothing was happening, then I decided to stop taking drugs to conceive and only take the ones to reduce pains. At this time I just wanted my body back but no, it was still pain, pain, pain.
Then my good friend who was aware of this issue came one day and told me about her pregnant colleague, that she overheard her on the phone describing one fertility place to someone, so she waited for her to end the conversation and told her about my issue, that she was surprised when her colleague told her she had the same endometriosis and got products from the fertility place and so she quickly collected the contact from her for me.
I have never tried anything herbal before, it has always been drugs that I take but at this point, I needed to try something like this so I quickly opened a discussion with FERTIL24 Herbals and got the products for endometriosis, I remember I started taking the products in the second week of May 2020.
I am taking time to explain how this whole thing started and how it ended a miracle. About 3 weeks after starting the treatment, I noticed that the very bad pain that I usually feel close to my menses became very mild, I could not believe it. Then my menses came and I was shocked to see the stain, before this time I will be rolling on the floor when I will get to see the stain.
This was my first joy, I was just concerned about getting my body back and this continued with the next menses, with no pain at all, and this was how I conceived.
I got my body back and restored my fertility with Fertil24 herbal product. This is indeed a miracle herbal product.